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Dives Med – Power Skin Power Hyaluronic & Collagen Serum (30ml)


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SKU: 412921FA1087 Categories: , , ,

Intensive lifting serum designed to reduce wrinkles and strengthen collagen, created for mature skin needs. The composition of effective ingredients, including collagen and hyaluronic acid, helps to reverse the skin's biological age and reverse the effects of aging. The serum replenishes natural hyaluronic acid deficiencies, and also reconstructs the skin's supportive fibers, positively impacting skin density. A high concentration of ingredients that increase skin density and fill in its deficiencies provides an excellent rejuvenating effect and a visible metamorphosis of the skin. The serum is enriched with vitamin C, whose action helps to even out the skin tone, giving it a velvety finish. The effect is a smooth, perfectly hydrated and tight skin with a youthful glow.

Indications: advanced skin aging, wrinkles and loss of elasticity, skin sagging and loss of oval, dryness and dehydration of the skin, photoaging and exogenous aging, irritations and redness of the skin.

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30 ml



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