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Hialuronidase – Liporase (1500 IU)

Original price was: 47,00 zł.Current price is: 44,00 zł.

Previous lowest price was 44,00 .

SKU: 412921FA1192 Category:

Liporase Inj. (Hyaluronidase) is a solution of an enzyme that dissolves hyaluronic acid. The product is manufactured by South Korean company Daehan New Pharm Co., Ltd. and is used to correct unsatisfactory contours using HA-based fillers. We also have other hyaluronidases available.

What is Liporase:

Hyaluronidase is a component that exhibits very high enzymatic activity, making its action directed at reducing lymphatic stasis and reducing fatty tissue. The preparation stimulates lymph circulation, which means faster elimination of the final elements of metabolism (it facilitates the elimination of water and toxins). The preparation reduces fatty tissue. It has a strongly shaping silhouette and anti-cellulite action. In addition, it improves blood circulation in the skin and subcutaneous tissues, allows greater oxygenation and tissue supply with nutritious substances.


The product is intended for dissolving hyaluronic acid and granulomas.

Liporase is a type of enzyme that hydrolyzes hyaluronic acid and is used to dissolve skin fillers based on hyaluronic acid that have been placed incorrectly, excessively or unevenly. Hyaluronidase is also used in emergency situations where the filler has been inadvertently injected into the artery causing blood flow obstruction.

The concentration of hyaluronidase is 1500IU
1500 IU (hyaluronidase) + 3 ml of sodium chloride. After dissolving the dry powder, place it in the refrigerator.

10 ml vial

The product can be used exclusively by professionals. By making a purchase, you declare that you are a doctor or cosmetologist trained in the field of aesthetic medicine.

Additional information


Fiolka 10ml

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