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INNO-TDS DNA PEPT-HA (1 x 2,5ml)


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SKU: 412921FA1003 Categories: , ,

The DNA PEPT-HA mezotherapy cocktail restores the skin's physiological balance and replenishes glutathione deficiencies, the main antioxidant in our body. It stimulates the skin's immune cells and prolongs their vitality. DNA PEPT-HA is an essential repair treatment for UV radiation damage, which stimulates and strengthens the natural protective processes of our skin. The exceptional effectiveness of the ampoule is due to the Peptide Complex and cross-linked deoxyribonucleotide (DNA) in hyaluronic acid. The Peptide Complex activates the growth factors of supportive fibers in the skin and reduces the activity of enzymes responsible for their breakdown. DNA, as a structural element of each cell, promotes the processes of epithelialization and the formation of new blood vessels in the skin.

The active ingredients are DNA (polydeoxyribonucleotide), Peptide Complex (Tripeptide-1, Tripeptide-5, Tatrapeptide-3), Hyaluronic Acid, and Glutathione.

The indications for the product are to accelerate the healing and regeneration processes, repair and damage to cellular DNA (e.g. by UV radiation), strengthen the skin, improve skin density, and prevent skin aging.

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1 x 2,5ml

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